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Bible StudyGenesis

Genesis 1 – Bible in a Year

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Start reading Genesis 1 Chapters 1 through to 9

Genesis 1:6 – did you know that the word ‘firmament’ comes out of a verb? What did God command into existence? It was spread out, like sheets of metal, beaten and hammered, with waters above and waters below.

How we underestimate the power of God!! This is no little story of a garden and apple. The world has been conned with a simplistic narrative.

No wonder Jesus said ‘you do err because you do not know the scriptures nor the power of God’

Genesis is such an awesome place to start.

Genesis 1 to Chapter 9

Link to Online Bible to read Genesis 1-9.

Today the chapters 1-9 of Genesis are what I’m thinking about.

The search for salvation from the beginning. Each generation looking to God for His redemption, naming every child as part of that Quest. The line restarts with Seth.

What You Say Matters

The repeated phrase throughout all of Genesis was, that they ‘called on the name of the Lord’.

Others emerge with Baal, who has many faces, and many names, but always ultimately the evil one, destined to be bruised, with a life of enmity. He influences and corrupts those susceptible until the ‘earth was filled with violence’. His trademark is to ‘beguile’, which in the Hebrew is nasha, meaning to lead astray, mentally, to delude or morally to seduce.

The delusions exists today. ‘You can be as gods, knowing good and evil’. Spiritualism attempts to usurp the true and living God.

From the beginning, our Genesis 1, God had an idea

But the lineage of the seed of Christ, emerges with Noah. Noah, the comfort, salvation was on its way.

From Genesis 1 the quest for reconciliation with God is in force, even as Jacob prophesies in Genesis 49 – until Shiloh (an epithet of the Messiah, in other words Jesus Christ) come, until him shall the gathering of the people be’.