In public with an open bible, Billy Graham preached ‘Who is Jesus?’ in Chicago in 1971. He preached ‘Who is Jesus?” and the crowd responded.
Luke 24:38 is Jesus himself asking the question. Is there ever a right time for anxiety? Of course not. Trusting in God is key to peace of mind.
2 Samuel 22:31 is a song of David. He shows a lifetime of knowing God and what trusting in God has brought into his life. The God you can trust to deliver you.
Exodus 15:2 is part of the song that Moses sang to God after witnessing his power. They had come to see and know their God of strength. He is still the same.
Ephesians 6:18 is completely in the context of life as a believer, now in spiritual battle. There is armour and weapons and strategies for the warrior. Paul reveals the structures of Satan in the world, and how in Christ, we have a unique advantage.
Romans 8:6 gives you the key to living a great life and experiencing peace. Paul was a master theoretician. He articulated Jesus and the gospel for today like no other.
John 3:16 is one of the most famous scriptures concerning the gospel for today. No one wants to die, we all want to live. God wants that for us too. Believe.
Psalms 119:114 is a beautiful, flowing song about the multifaceted character of God’s Word. Discover more about this God that you love and serve.