In public with an open bible, Billy Graham preached ‘Who is Jesus?’ in Chicago in 1971. He preached ‘Who is Jesus?” and the crowd responded.
In public with an open bible, Billy Graham preached ‘Who is Jesus?’ in Chicago in 1971. He preached ‘Who is Jesus?” and the crowd responded.
Romans 8:6 gives you the key to living a great life and experiencing peace. Paul was a master theoretician. He articulated Jesus and the gospel for today like no other.
John 3:16 is one of the most famous scriptures concerning the gospel for today. No one wants to die, we all want to live. God wants that for us too. Believe.
Acts 10:38 is showcasing the Messiah! The anointed one of God. The Holy Ghost was with him doing the works, the same works He said the believer who receives the Spirit can do.