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Numbers 25 – Bible in a Year

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Numbers 25-36. Question: Do you read the bible to know what you should do, to know God so you can please him? 

Or do you read your bible as ‘what you have to do as a Christian?’, ‘get the Word of God into you’, or ‘quotes for positive affirmations’?

There is a difference.

Today I finished up Numbers 25-36. 

Numbers 25-36, Bible in a Year, Day 25

Israel are about to end their 40 years journey, and begin the next phase of actually going to war for the promises.

This thing is a process. Life is a process. And it’s going to take spiritual battles to fulfil the destiny of God.

It’s just a fact.

But you need to avoid the mistakes these guys made. They made friends, even married, these people who worshipped other gods, in fact, Baalpeor was the god – which is who? Baal? Molloch? Are you getting the picture?

Satan has set himself up as god, and God’s people compromise with themselves with those that worship him.

God said to Moses, ‘…they vex you with their wiles…beguiled you in the matter of Peor’! 

God is having none of it. 

How many Christians have the emblems of idolatry in their house? A few little statures, some crystals, some spirit feathers? We compromise and wonder why things in life occur.

And worse, we blame God, as if God hasn’t answered our prayers, he doesn’t care.


From this point in Numbers it’s a lot about the inheritance. The tribes are counted, matters of inheritance are sorted out, how are they going to divide the spoils of war, and who goes where in this land of promise.

The issues of offerings are laid out, and the importance of vows.

In Chapter 39 you see the whole journey of the 40 years, from Egypt through the wilderness to now.

God defines the boundaries for everyone, he gives them some more laws for order.

This is all about the inheritance. 

What is the inheritance of the saints? What is the inheritance in Christ?

We have now become joint-heirs with Christ, do we consider what that looks like? And who that makes us? How we should carry ourselves?

Inheritance is a big deal. 

I’ve seen people leave the church because they came into their inheritance and didn’t want to feel they had to share it with anyone, let alone God. Money does weird things to people.

You know, I see how much God loves his people, he keeps his promises, but he will not tolerate ANY idolatry, any compromise with Baal or however he decides to appear today.