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Bible StudyNumbers

Numbers 1 – Bible in a Year

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Finishing Leviticus and reading Numbers 1 – 9, makes me so totally appreciate Jesus Christ, and the life in the Holy Spirit today.

Numbers 1-9 is the organisation of these people, Israel, God’s inheritance.

They count the numbers of each tribe. They count the ones who are old enough and ready for war. The responsibilities are allocated. The standards are laid out.

Numbers 1-9, bible in a Year, Day 19

Laws are laid out to govern this mass of humanity.

The vow of the Nazarite is fascinating.

And by the time you get to Numbers 6 of course, we hit the prayer and benediction that the church loves to recite and sing. It’s used much like the Lord’s prayer. We do so love to religitise things… remember, these words are meant to be living, breathing, blessing – not just words recited over and over and over. But God really did and does love his people. Sweet.

In chapter 7, They went through the process of the dedication of the altar, the quality and quantity of the offerings given.

Chapter 8 is the consecration of the Levites. Which if you consider that this priesthood has now been superseded by Jesus Christ, is interesting to see what was required so we can understand.

Chapter 9, of course, the feast of Passover. Remember what God has done – his miraculous power, this deliverance, his salvation.

The forming and organising of a nation.

God cares about details. He cares about his people. He was doing this all for a purpose.

He fulfils his promise, even if all of us let him down.

Abraham must have been sitting in heaven in awe. From childless to this.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – he is a fearsome God.