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Bible StudyJoshua

Joshua 17 – Bible in a Year

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Joshua 17-24. What is your expectation? What is Gods inheritance for you? Do you ever think about that?

In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of him that worketh ALL things after the counsel of his own will’ Ephesians 1:11


Joshua 17-24, Bible in a Year, Day 36

Joshua 17

Joshua 17 through to the end, chapter 24, is predominately about the distribution of inheritance of the promise.

But notice principles at work still (pay attention!!)

➡️ but they did not utterly drive them out …..(17:13)

Joshua 18

Some did not even go to get their inheritance. And Joshua said to them,

‘How long are ye slack to go to possess the land, which the Lord God of your fathers hath given you?

➡️ go and walk it, describe it…….(18:8)

The borders were huge. Massive.

Joshua 19

More inheritance, more of the borders. Including the narrative of Naphtali and Zebulun, which Jesus mentions.

Judges 20

God making spaces of refuge for people so that judgement wasn’t in the hands of an individual.

Judges 21

The Levities would not be left out of what was going on. And the scriptures make a special note here:

There failed not ought of any good thing which the Lord had spoken unto the house of Israel: all came to pass‘ (Judges 21:45).

What are your expectations? And are you serving God, in the Spirit, so he can lead you in it?

Judges 22

Take good heed therefore unto yourselves that YOU LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD

The theme of loving God is everywhere through these books!! Love love love!

But they were warned, if you go back, then God won’t be driving out the enemy for you – AND…

The enemy will be a snare, trap and scourge to you, even thorns in your eyes…

What problems are we living with that we have permitted because of our own actions?

Judges 23

Joshua’s life is ending and again…. Notice the pattern…..he recounts history! All the things God has done and said.

I have made this a habit in my own life. I say it in prayer – From my mothers womb, to being saved, to all the things he has done, where I have gone, what he has given, the word of God in my life, the people he has placed in my life, the anointing, the Holy Spirit….. I recount my history and that of the Bible.

It’s something I see many of them do – to remind them of God, throughout time. It’s how they preach in Acts too. Stunning.

‘One man of you shall chase a thousand; for the Lord your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you. Take good heed therefore unto yourselves, that ye love the Lord your God’ (Judges 23:10-11).

What a beautiful hearted man. What a servant of God!

Joshua 24

He calls all of Israel, and reminds them. He tells them ‘you are witnesses against yourselves that ye have chosen you the Lord to serve him. Now put away any other god and incline your heart unto the Lord!

Oh dear. They made a covenant. They swore. And they reaped the consequences of forgetting this.

Joshua died, the high Priest died and now the book of Judges! There is no more Moses or Joshua – God is their leader.