Joshua 1-3. Heading into Joshua 1 and you get into some brilliant concepts.
By faith…..have you read Hebrews 11? The chapter of faith examples? Rahab is mentioned – the girl who is called ‘harlot’. Oh some people will have a problem there.

By faith she saved the two spies of Israel and she said to them (Joshua 2) ….
I know the Lord has given you the land….
We’ve heard the rumours about you ….
Our hearts melted because the Lord your God is God of heaven and earth…
What rumours were being heard?
The God that delivered them out of Egypt. The signs and wonders.
How does the church think they are going to hear rumours about you if they don’t operate in the dynamic of the power of God? The world doesn’t look like it’s going to come beating down the door of the church to get what it has anytime soon.
Because God never designed it that way.
The gospel is a PUBLIC thing! It is a public declaration. In the public God can show off with the signs!
Why do we think staying local and having gatherings is the same thing? We are meant to be global people, what does Psalm 1 say?
This possessing the land thing is critical, God is behind it. And now we’ve been told ‘Go into all the world’
Are the same principles at work? God is historical, he does not change. We are heading to the last days.
Foods for thinking on! May we all hear the voice of the Spirit as the book of Revelation says……
Joshua has an amazing kick off – chapter 1-3 is him launching off in place of Moses.
We all know about the ‘whereever the sole of your feet shall tred thing… gosh, don’t the preachers love to preach about that and try to apply it. But what is REALLY going on here? WHAT ARE WE LEARNING?
Honestly, my brain is bouncing all over the bible right now. From Revelation, to Hebrews, to Psalms, to King David.
God is utterly, utterly, staggeringly, amazing! In these last days more is being revealed of these mysteries, we need to understand to know how to deal with what is here and coming!
God says I will magnify you so they know I’m with you like Moses!
Don’t tell me God doesn’t raise up a human being with power and anointing to magnify Himself through them!
The tall poppy syndrome looks and says ‘oh they think they’re someone special’, or ‘that stuff doesn’t working in MY church…’
Or worse….
They say ‘that’s ok for them, they’re just more Christian than me’
We mess up Gods plans for us.
And what I see of Gods plans are hugely spectacular, I don’t want to miss a thing!