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Bible StudyExodus

Exodus 1 – Bible Study in a Year

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Exodus 1-4, Bible in a Year, Day 7

Miracles. Signs. Wonders. Do you believe they exist? Do you believe they are part and parcel of the Christian life? From Exodus 1 there is a pulling back of the curtains on how God speaks about signs.

I see Christians all the time that do not believe these things now. They say that time has passed.

Poor things. They have believed a lie. Settling for a form of religion, denying the power.

On one hand, they agree that God does not change. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever.

On the other hand, he doesn’t do those things anymore. He does not confirm his word with signs following because ‘reason’, ‘reason’, ‘reason’.


The gospel is still the same as it ever was. God has not changed.

Exodus 1-4

Link to Online Bible to read Exodus 1-4 is here

Exodus kicks off at the time of coming to the fulfilment of what Abraham saw in his vision experience (Genesis 15).

His family were suffering in slavery. They had been targeted for extermination and humiliation. The boy newborns had been pronounced dead on arrival. ‘Kill them’ was the order.

Satan was trying to stop the Messiah from coming.

Thank God for those women that fear God more than they fear man. Those midwives did not obey the kill order, and because they didn’t, God ‘made them houses’. (Exodus 1:21).

Moses is born in this context. Appointed from birth, Hebrew, but grew up in the palace of Egypt. In fact, Josephus the historian tells us that Moses was a General in the army of Egypt, fighting in Africa and other places. So, his rank was quite high.

But like so many of us, we try to jump in and help God out. He ended up out of Egypt into modern day Saudi Arabia. He ends up married, a shepherd, living in the dessert – until a bush is burning in his vicinity.

‘And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him….’ (3:4)

Moses had to turn aside and look. Do we stop, turn aside and look to God? Or do we pass by that bush that is burning that God put there to get our attention?

And God tells Moses his name ‘I AM THAT I AM’


What was his forever name?


The Lord God of your fathers, The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob.

WE CANNOT leave the Hebraic out of Christianity. It is tied to God’s forever name.

Anti-Semitism has infiltrated so many parts of life, it is, by it’s nature, against God.


Paul tells us he came in the demonstration of the Spirit and of Power, with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Here, Moses is told ‘that they may believe’ you do signs. And, that they need to pay attention to the voice of the first sign, or the voice of the later sign, and to his voice…..

Signs. Signs. Signs.

Power displays to distinguish the God of Israel. To showcase HIM.


If Christians do not seek God and this power, what do we have? Words? Songs to sing? Rituals?

We are supposed to walk in the power! Power = Dunamis – miraculous power, specifically a miracle!

God, how far has Christianity fallen, when we do not even believe that! We think God has changed and left miracles behind with the first group of Apostles? Unbelief that is called. And doctrines of men who are afraid to believe God.

I’d rather be the one that dares to proclaim ‘Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever’. No take backs. No compromise.